Bag A Chat Apps

Bag A Chat for WhatsApp & Hike 1.10
Bag A Chat
Bag A Chat app enables you to safeguard,organize, save or backup WhatsApp and Hike chat messages orhistory. With simplified WhatsApp search or Hike Search, youcan use popular instant messengers such as Hike or WhatsApp forbusiness. This free app can help with managing customerservice, project tracking and business support. Our App does nottransfer any of your personal data over Internet, PrivacyGuaranteed!The exclusive benefits of using Bag A Chat app for WhatsApp andHike and other popular instant messengers on Android • Backup WhatsApp & Hike Chat History: Now you canbackup or save your WhatsApp & Hike chat messages for as longas you want. No need of worrying of getting the important chathistory lost. • Quick Search WhatsApp & Hike Chat Messages: You canquickly find key messages in WhatsApp & Hike by applying ourpowerful search with multiple filters like Sender name, Group, Daterange, Text, File type etc. • Add Labels to WhatsApp or Hike Chat Messages: You canlogically group key WhatsApp & Hike chat messages by addingLabels. So now, group your messages & media in logical foldersas per need. View posts & files related to your projects,campaigns, vacation memories, family videos etc. together. • Quick Share WhatsApp or Hike Chat Messages: Send email orupload to your drive (Google, Dropbox)– Messages found using Searchor under same Label can be shared together in one go. Share text,images and videos together to other apps - in One Go. No crazier‘select N share one-by-one’! • Create Analytical Reports Based on WhatsApp or Hike ChatMessages: Add flavor to your WhatsApp & Hike groupconversations - Create and Share many interesting reports with yourfriends, giving insights on your group’s conversation e.g. MostActive Buddies in the group, Most Active Time of the group and manymore! • Perform Business Operations on WhatsApp and Hike: PerformBusiness operations while browsing through saved messages – Savecontacts, Call people, Create reminders, Sync to drive • Centralized Storage of Chat Messages: Supports saving ofmessages and media from WhatsApp, Hike and Gallery – Together.Support for more messengers ... coming soon! • Improved Phone performance: GBs of data from chatmessages making your phone slow? Save only important messages toBag A Chat and clear chat entirely from messengers. • Privacy Guaranteed – Your data is safe: Your Messages andMedia are saved in Private Folder (and not get mixed up in gallery)- so now you can hand over your phone to colleagues, friends andfamily without worrying about privacy. • No Ads: It’s free and we hate bugging you with Ads! • Integrate with Business: You know your BusinessCommunication needs very well than us! May it be:  › Integrating WhatsApp & Hike Chat communication with yourinternal Sales/CRM Software, Project Management Tools etc.  › Generating various Business Reports about Leads, Campaigns andTrends etc.  › Centralized view to business communication of staff etc.   We are there to provide solution as per your needs with ourpatent pending technology. Just drop us an email on [email protected] and we will get intouch with you to discuss further.Read our terms of Services here - Note: Bag A Chat is not associated with WhatsAppInc. or Hike or any other instant Messengers and its affiliated orparent companies. The Service is on the top of existing popularMessengers. The logos or images or trademarks are used for examplesor representation only.Some versions of OnePlusOne & OnePlusTwo have reportedproblems. App works fine on One Plus X though.